Thursday, August 21, 2008

Better eat your...Frosted Flakes??

Say it ain't so Michael Phelps. Sure, you've got eight Gold Medals, seven world records and are worth an estimated $100 million, but you'll won't be gracing the cover of a Wheaties box anytime soon.

Kellogg's, Co. beat out the "Breakfast of Champions" for the honor of having Phelps grace the cover of its Corn Flakes and Frosted Flakes cereal boxes.

Phelps and his handlers may have charted a new course for cereal box glory, but it remains to be seen if this will be seen as a cultural/marketing/sporting faux pax. The iconic orange box, after all, is as much as a part of Olympic excellence as gold medals, national anthems and ticker tape parades.

All I know is that I'd love to be a fly on the wall of that meeting to find out exactly how much Kellogg's had to pony up for this Olympics' golden god. Or maybe Phelps was just a big fan of Tony the Tiger growing up.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Madeup Word of the Week 1.2

noun (bak-blog-d)
The state of having an abundance of interweb links that one intended to blog about, but did not, and is now left to write about said links in an incredibly untimely manner.

This situation occurs when an individual spends their time soley perusing the interweb in hopes of finding juicy nuggets of information, as opposed to forming an opinion and raising salient points regarding said nuggets of information.

Derived directly from the English word backlogged, meaning: a reserve or accumulation, as of stock, work, or business.